
Did Steve Wozniak pick up a Nokia Lumia 900

Did Steve Wozniak pick up a Nokia Lumia 900?

Well, people, it looks like that massive marketing budget, backing the AT&T exclusive Nokia Lumia 900 is starting to pay some serious dividends. No other but Apple’s co-founder Steve Wozniak might have picked one up, according to his own tweet from earlier today.

While this is not the first time Steve has had a chance to sample the competition (he got a Samsung Galaxy Nexus as a gift when he visited Google’s HQ a few months back), I can’t recall any reports of him actually waiting for a store to open for anything other than an Apple product.

And here goes the tweet itself.

Of course, he might have just been curious to spend some hands-on time with the Windows Phone running smartphone, and try to find out for himself if its worthy of the hype. In any case: are you as curious to get Steve Wozniak’s take on Nokia’s creation as I am?

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