
'Rayman Jungle Run' for iOS and Android game review

'Rayman Jungle Run' for iOS and Android game review

After launching the superb Rayman Origins on consoles and desktop last year, Ubisoft has brought our favorite disjointed character to the mobile platform. Rayman Jungle Run is the latest installment in the long running series of 2D platforming games and is the first game in the series to make an appearance on iOS and Android.

Rayman Jungle Run is not the same game as Rayman Origins, even though it uses similar artwork, but is a completely new game made from the grounds up for the mobile devices with a new control mechanism. Let’s see how it stacks up against the previous games in the series.

Rayman Jungle Run
Release Date

September 2012
September 2012
Content rating



Unlike Rayman Origins, there is no story as such in Rayman Jungle Run. Your job is to just collect all the lums in the level and if you manage to collect all 100 of them, you acquire one of Mister Death’s teeth.

Now there are four worlds, with ten levels and one Mister Death each. If you get 100 lums in each of the ten levels in a world, you collect all ten of the teeth for that world’s Mister Death. Even if you manage to collect just five, you unlock the Land of the Dead, which is an extra super tough level in each world. Thus, there are total 44 levels in the game.


Unlike Rayman Origins, Rayman Jungle Run eschews traditional controls and gives you just one button to jump. Rayman moves on his own and you just have to touch the screen to jump at the appropriate time. This might sound simple, but it isn’t, especially when you consider there is no way to make him stop or go back. Thus if you miss something you have to play the level all over again.

As mentioned before, there are four worlds in the game. As you complete one you unlock the other. Each one brings with it a new ability, which then carries forward in subsequent worlds. The first one lets you simply jump. In the second one, you can press and hold the screen and use Rayman’s famous ability to use his hair as helicopter blades to hover in the air. He can’t hover indefinitely but he can use air currents to boost himself and cover more ground than simply jumping. With the second level, you run up on walls. In the last world, you get the ability to punch your enemy. This is the only time the game introduces another control mechanism, so now you have two buttons to press.

With the traditional controls gone, Rayman Jungle Run gets rid of one of the biggest headaches in mobile games: the virtual joystick. As mentioned before, however, it brings with it its own set of challenges. Because you can’t stop or turn around, you have to time everything perfectly and Rayman is not one to dawdle around, so you need to be very quick. If you miss a jump, you will fail to get the lums, which are arranged in a perfect order, an order that is only perfect if you make the jump on time. Missing even a single lum means having to play the level all over again, assuming you want to get 100% completion. Note, that it is not necessary to collect all of them but if you’re like me you will want to get all of them, just to sleep well at night knowing you got 100% completion.

Of course, the lums aren’t the only thing to look out for in the game. There are the environments and in later levels, enemies, that are out to kill you. Surviving through them with no proper movement control is a challenge in itself, but a challenge you’ll greatly enjoy.

There is no denying the fact that there is a lot of repeated playing of the levels involved in Rayman Jungle Run, either to collect all the lums or just to time that jump right so you don’t end up on a vine covered in massive thorns. But not once did I found this to be an issue. The game is pretty straightforward; if you die, it’s because you did something wrong, not because there is anything wrong with the game.

Although the levels seem pretty linear where you have to stick to one path till you reach the end, the game often rewards exploration. There are hidden lums in the corner of the screens, not easily visible unless you choose to lightly stray off your course. Of course, these are not extra lums, per se. If you miss them, you will have to come back looking for them if you want 100% completion.

What I loved about the gameplay is its relentless pacing. Rayman does not stop so the action keeps on moving, regardless of whether you can keep pace with it or not. The game demands quick response and perfect timing and being able to pull off jumps and punches just in time feels very satisfying. Time all the jumps right, collect all the lums without dying or restarting and you will have a very wide grin at the end of the level.

The main levels are pretty challenging as it is but then there are the Land of the Dead levels, which are almost frustratingly difficult. There are no lums to collect here. You just have to make it to the end of the level in time and the game does its best to make sure you don’t. These levels require pin-point precision and the patience of a monk on heroin to get through. There is practically zero room for error and you’ll probably end up playing each level at least fifty times before you manage to complete it. But despite this soul-crushing difficulty, the game still remains enjoyable. You will give up several times, but you will come back to have another go at it.

I just have one minor complaint regarding the controls in this game. In the first three worlds, you can press anywhere on the screen to jump and I had gotten in the habit of tapping on the right side. In the last world, the game assigns the punch button on the right side, so I had to adjust myself to press the left side to jump. It would have been nice if there was an option to change the layout of the keys so you don’t have to retrain yourself three-fourths into the game.

Graphics and Sound

Rayman Jungle Run uses the same UbiArt framework as Rayman Origins and thus basically the same art design. The graphics are all hand drawn and look jaw-droppingly gorgeous, especially if you have the new iPad with the Retina display. The artwork is fantastic and everything is just beautifully animated.

The entire world seems alive and it really is. You may find a dark spike strip in the jungle, only to realize later that it’s a creature with a spiky back. You can even see them react when Rayman jumps on them. The bulbous trampolines you bounce off of in the game are some sort of plants that glow every time you land on them. Similarly you find the environment around you constantly moving, with vines appearing out of nowhere and changing the layout of the level.

Rayman himself looks great. He is just as disjointed as ever, with no visible connections between his head, limbs and abdomen. His expressions are all wonderfully animated and he reacts to every little change around him.

The music is also incredible. From the simple tune you hear in the game menus, the lovable background music that you hear while playing the game to the little sounds that the lums make when you collect them, Rayman Jungle Run sounds absolutely amazing.


With an incredibly fun and challenging gameplay, gorgeous visuals and a brilliant soundtrack, Rayman Jungle Run leaves no stone unturned to provide one of the best gaming experience you can have, and I’m not just talking on the mobile platform here. Rayman Jungle Run is a gem of a game and an absolute must-have for anyone with a capable smartphone or tablet. It is undoubtedly one of the finest games to have come out all year and is highly recommended.

Rating: 4.5/5
Pros: Fun, challenging gameplay, simple controls, mind-blowing visuals and sound
Cons: Option to swap jump/punch buttons would have been nice

Download: iOS | Android


Facebook Timeline now globally available

Facebook Timeline now globally available, you get to try it before everyone sees it

Facebook announced its Timeline feature back in September at the f8 conference and today it’s ready and available for everyone (globally) to enable, try out under cover and, finally, publish to Facebook contacts.

Timeline replaces your profile page with a reworked new one, focused on your entire Facebook activity divided into years starting with your first ever birthday.

You can check out who you’ve friended, what pages you’ve liked, the content you’ve posted for the time you’ve been on Facebook including your activity in the present moment. It’s a neat feature by any means and brings a certain order to your social activity through the months and years.

Facebook allows for a 7 day review period so you can try out Timeline, get used to it and get some things you want to keep private out of the way. When you’re done just publish, so all your contacts will be able to see it.

Many people wouldn’t be so fond of the new look, but unless you’re thinking of hanging up the social towel you’re going to get Timeline – it’s inevitable.

Facebook have put up a dedicated page to introduce the Timeline feature. You can get it by selecting Get Timeline and the bottom of the page – it simple and requires just a couple of clicks.

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Check out all the HTC One teaser clips in one video

Check out all the HTC One teaser clips in one video

HTC has been releasing teaser clips on its official website for some time now that show bits and pieces of the upcoming HTC One, also known as the HTC M7.

Now all the clips have been released and they play one after the other on HTC’s website. But if you don’t want giant numbers in front of the video (there is a countdown on the site for the February 19 event) or the pause between them, watch the video below.

(There is no audio)



[IFA 2011]Samsung Galaxy Note promo videos pop up

[IFA 2011]Samsung Galaxy Note promo videos pop up, enjoy

Samsung has released two videos of the Galaxy Note smartphonlet. The first one is your typical music-accompanied promo video while the second one features YH Lee, Senior Vice President of Samsung Mobile Communications Business, Global Marketing.

Here goes the promo video below. It highlights the SuperAMOLED “HD” 5.3-incher, the minimum scrolling and screen transition features, the 1.4 GHz dual-core Exynos processor, the S pen drawing functionality and more.

And here’s the chance for you to brush up your Korean with this video interview with YH Lee, Samsung Vice President. Alright, I’m kidding, the video has proper subtitles.

The Galaxy Note was officially unveiled today at Samsung’s pre-IFA 2011 event.



Batman Arkham City Lockdown comes out for iOS

Batman Arkham City Lockdown comes out for iOS, lets you fight crime on the iPhone

Are you a big Batman fan? Then you must have enjoyed playing Batman: Arkham City that was recently released for the consoles and the PC. And if you enjoyed playing that game then you will probably love Batman Arkham City Lockdown as well, provided you have an iOS device.

Publisher Warner Bros. and developer NetherRealm Studios have brought the epic action of the Batman games on to the smaller screen of your smartphone and tablets. Batman Arkham City Lockdown makes use of the popular Unreal Engine that was found under the hood of the gorgeous Infinity Blade games and promises to be just as visually impressive.

The controls seem similar too. You play as Batman and control him in a third person view. Whenever you encounter an enemy you swipe across the screen to take him down. As you earn more points, you can unlock additional equipment from WayneTech, such as powered gauntlets, smoke pellets, etc. The game includes characters from the original Arkham City, such as the Joker, Two-Face and more with voices from the original actors.

The game supports downloadable content, so you can purchase and download stuff like additional skins and WayneTech points.

The game is now available for download on the App Store for $5.99 and can be installed on the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch 3rd and 4th generations and the iPad 1 and 2. You will need a Wi-Fi connection to download it, though, because it clocks in at a hefty 612MB.



Master Yoda in Tom Tom voice recording studio

Master Yoda in Tom Tom voice recording studio, left you must keep

You all probably hate those lifeless or overexuberant voices on your SatNav unit. Well, TomTom obviously puts a lot of effort in changing that – including their latest Star Wars voice pack. They’ve got Yoda, Darth Vader and C-3PO voices ready for download (at a price, of course) with Han Solo coming later this summer. But that’s not what this post is all about. Nope.

It’s about TomTom’s funny viral ads for these voice packs – you don’t want to miss those.

Master Yoda in Tom Tom’s studio is the latest edition in the series. Miss this one not, for so funny it is.

You may have already seen Darth Vader’s video but if you haven’t, hit that Play button hard and may the Force be with you.


1-inch Tegra 2-powered Toshiba Regza AT300 tablet birngs glasses-free 3D to the Honeycomb party

10.1-inch Tegra 2-powered Toshiba Regza AT300 tablet birngs glasses-free 3D to the Honeycomb party

Toshiba has been pretty open about its development of a Tegra 2-powered tablet that runs Honeycomb, but only now we see its official announcement, complete with pricing, release date and name. The bad news is that the Toshiba Regza AT300 will only be hitting Japan and we are still in the wait for European and American versions.

Anyway the Toshiba Regza AT300 10.1-incher looks like a pretty powerful beast with its Tegra 2 chipset, featuring a couple of Cortex-A9 cores, clocked at 1GHz. Yet its main feature remains the glasses-free 3D screen with a resolution of 1,280×800 pixels. The adaptive display features some new technology, which allows it to adjust color balance in addition to brightness depending on the ambient light. We can’t say if that will bring any real-life benefits before we try it out ourselves, but it certainly sounds interesting.

The Regza AT300 will come with 16GB of internal storage and 1GB of RAM, plus a couple of snappers (a 5MP one on the back and a 2MP one on the front). You also get miniUSB and regular USB (with USB host support) ports, plus an SD card slot (which will allow you to have all the storage you need) and an HDMI port.

The “REGZA Apps Connect” feature will let the Toshiba Regza tablet easily connect with other Regza devices (including HDTVs, laptops, smartphones and media players).

Unfortunately, the Regza AT300 is neither slim (15.8mm), light (765g) nor cheap (it will cost about $730). There is also no network connectivity and its 7-hour battery life, while sounding reasonable, is not as impressive as most competitors.

If you live in Japan and still want to give it a try you will be able to do so in June. Frankly though, we can’t see this one providing any real competition to the Asus Transformer so Toshiba will have some work to do before they bring it around these shores.


29 game trailers you don't want to miss

29 game trailers you don't want to miss, we've got them all here [VIDEO]

If you are a gamer, you probably start salivating at the sound of names like Battlefield 3, Batman: Arkham City and Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Unfortunately, there is still some time for these games to arrive. But we have something to keep you busy till then.

Now I know these are just the game trailers and you have probably seen them before anyway. But this is just something to pass your time till you wait for the real thing. And we have tried to include gameplay videos wherever we can instead of just trailers, so they are all the more exciting to watch. So, let us begin then. Head past the break to watch all the trailers we have collected for you.

Update: The list of games has been updated. It is still far from complete so if there is something you feel should be here do let us know in the comments section.

Battlefield 3 (October 25, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (November 8, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Batman: Arkham City (October 18, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)


Riddler Teaser



Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (November 1, 2011; PS3)



Mass Effect 3 (March 6, 2012; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)





Tomb Raider (Autumn, 2012; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)





Need for Speed: The Run (November 15, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)





Bioshock Infinite (Q2, 2012; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)





Far Cry 3 (March, 2012; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Deus Ex: Human Revolution (August 23, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Gears of War 3 (September 20, 2011; Xbox 360)



Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (November 15, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



Resistance 3 (September 6, 2011; PS3)



Rage (October 4, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)





The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (November 11, 2011; PC, PS3, Xbox 360)



The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Q4, 2011; Wii)





Kirby Wii (Fall, 2011; Wii)





Mario Kart 3DS (Holiday, 2011; 3DS)





Diablo III (TBA; PC, Mac)




PlayStation Vita will let you stream all your PS3 games

PlayStation Vita will let you stream all your PS3 games, do it at PSP resolutions

As if we didn’t have enough reasons to buy a PlayStation Vita already here comes another one. Eurogamer is reporting that with the help of a firmware update on the PS3, it will be able to stream all its games wirelessly to a PSVita. As with the PSP before, you will be able to do it from anywhere in the world as long as your PS3 and PSVita are connected to the internet.

But there is a small catch to this. The games will be played at a lower resolution, that of the Sony PSP, which is 480 x 272, which is 1/4th the resolution of the PSVita’s 960 x 544 display. The reason for this is that the older games were designed to be streamed to the PSP. However, according to Eurogamer, developers will be able to add a high resolution (480p) version to their games specifically for streaming to the PSVita.

Now the PSVita does lack a few controls compared to the PS3′s Dual Shock 3 controller but perhaps this is where the touchpad on the back would come in handy. How those games will look, however, remains a mystery although you can get a general idea from the video below.



GTA V: The official trailer is out

GTA V: The official trailer is out, watch it here

Rockstar has just released the official trailer of the upcoming GTA V blockbuster. The game shapes to be the studio’s biggest project to date.

Rockstar has already revealed the main characters – Michael, Trevor and Franklin. Michael is a former bank buster in his early 40s coming back from retirement to earn a few extra bucks. Also in his forties is Trevor, a seasoned criminal and ex-military pilot. Lastly, there’s Franklin, who is in his mid-twenties and is the street hustler.

Here is the trailer:

Grand Theft Auto V will be launching on September 17 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.


Good news for smartwatches: apps can read and dismiss notifications in Android 4

Good news for smartwatches: apps can read and dismiss notifications in Android 4.3

An Android 4.3 build for the Samsung Galaxy S4 leaked a few days ago and it was found to contain some hidden enhancements that point the way to some new features in the future. They have to do with notifications.

The first is a Notifications screen, which acts as history of all your recent notifications, even the ones you’ve dismissed (those are the grayed out ones, the others are notifications still visible in the notification area).

Android 4.3 will also allow apps to read what notifications are displayed through an additional permission. These apps will also be able to dismiss notifications and interact with them (e.g. hit the Reply or Delete buttons on an email notification).

<string name=”notification_listener_security_warning_summary”>%1$s will be able to read all notifications posted by the system or any installed app, which may include personal information such as contact names and the text of messages sent to you. It will also be able to dismiss these notifications or touch action buttons within them.</string>

That will be great for smartwatches and the likes, which display notifications from your phone (and are currently doing it through the unrelated Accessibility API). But this will also enable other applications, like sending notifications to your desktop. Apps like Tasker and others also need to read notifications to perform some action and currently do it with the Accessibility API, but they’ll be able to move to the new, more appropriate API.

Such apps are called Notification listeners and there’s a Notification access screen that shows you which apps have access to your notification (which could be a privacy concern, after all notifications often contain messages to you).

Another enticing possibility is replacement notification areas �C currently you can change the launcher and the lockscreen, but not the notification. However, the needed permissions (to hide the stock notification area) have not been found (yet!).



Did Steve Wozniak pick up a Nokia Lumia 900

Did Steve Wozniak pick up a Nokia Lumia 900?

Well, people, it looks like that massive marketing budget, backing the AT&T exclusive Nokia Lumia 900 is starting to pay some serious dividends. No other but Apple’s co-founder Steve Wozniak might have picked one up, according to his own tweet from earlier today.

While this is not the first time Steve has had a chance to sample the competition (he got a Samsung Galaxy Nexus as a gift when he visited Google’s HQ a few months back), I can’t recall any reports of him actually waiting for a store to open for anything other than an Apple product.

And here goes the tweet itself.

Of course, he might have just been curious to spend some hands-on time with the Windows Phone running smartphone, and try to find out for himself if its worthy of the hype. In any case: are you as curious to get Steve Wozniak’s take on Nokia’s creation as I am?

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Lewis Hamilton brings the BlackBerry Z10 to the Mercedes W04 premiere

Lewis Hamilton brings the BlackBerry Z10 to the Mercedes W04 premiere

The new Formula 1 season is right around the corner and guess what has Mercedes F1 team new driver Lewis Hamilton brought along to the official launch of the car he and Nico Rosberg will be driving in 2013? Unfortunately, if you guessed Nicole Scherzinger, you are wrong.

As the photo above testifies, it’s the recently unveiled BlackBerry Z10. The 2008 champion was spotted snapping photos of the new Mercedes AMG F1 W04 car at the Jerez circuit in Spain with his new smartphone.

You can really tell BlackBerry is betting all in with the BB10 and the duo of smartphones running it (Z10 and Q10), considering F1 endorsements aren’t what you’d call cheap. The company is also attempting to keep the word for its latest devices going around by hiring movie and music stars to try and create new things via the Keep Moving project.

The BlackBerry Z10 is hardly going to make Hamilton any faster for the new F1 season, which starts on March 17 in Australia, but at least he’ll have access to the official F1 BlackBerry app, which is one of the 70,000 ones available at the launch of the BlackBerry 10 OS.


Sony Xperia Z continues to get abused on video

Sony Xperia Z continues to get abused on video, this time sand gets involved

Ah, the poor Xperia Z. It’s not even launched yet, and it has already gone through a considerable amount of abuse. Still, Sony reckons it’s not enough to get users convinced, so now it has added a new variable to the torture equation – sand.

In the video you’re about to see a Sony representative not only rubs sand all over the Xperia Z to showcase its scratch-resistance, but also submerges it in water and hits a sharp edge with it.

And the end result of all this is? Well, check for yourself, I am not going to spoil it for you.

According to the latest news surrounding the launch of Sony’s latest flagship, we should see it pop up in UK stores around March for £528.

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Olympus reveals PEN E-PL3 pricing and availability

Olympus reveals PEN E-PL3 pricing and availability, launches SP-810UZ

Last month we wrote about three new Olympus cameras, the PEN EP-3, E-PL3 and E-PM1. Out of these, only the price for the E-P3 was revealed back then.

Now Olympus has decided they should let us know about the price of one more of the three cameras. So here it is. The Olympus PEN E-PL3 will cost you $699.99 and will come with a 14-42mm zoom lens or 17mm prime lens. It will be sold in three colors; black, white and red and will start shipping in September.

Olympus has also announced a new point and shoot super zoom camera. Named the SP-810UZ, this bad boy packs in a massive 24-864mm, f/2.9-5.7 wide angle zoom capable of 36x optical zoom. It has a 14 megapixel sensor that can also shoot high definition 720p videos. It also has a 3D mode where it takes two pictures from two different angles and combines them into a 3D image that can be viewed on a 3D display. On its back is a 3-inch widescreen display. The SP-810UZ is priced at $329.99.

Source 1 ? Source 2

Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 comes to the office

Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 comes to the office, a hands-on video awaits you inside

It’s been a while since the last Samsung mid-range Android handset. The company looked too busy with its Galaxy S and we almost lost hope that we’ll see a Galaxy Spica successor. Yet here comes the Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 and we are rushing to give you a hands-on video and a few photos.

The Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 front side bears distinct resemblance to the Apple iPhone 4, while its back looks like a mini Galaxy Tab (the one in white). Another difference we noticed is that our pre-production black unit has a shiny back, while the official photos suggest that the back of the Galaxy Ace is opaque, rather than glossy and has some texture on it.

Samsung S5830 Galaxy AceSamsung S5830 Galaxy AceSamsung S5830 Galaxy AceSamsung S5830 Galaxy Ace
Samsung S5830 Galaxy Ace live shots

We are pretty pleased with the Froyo-running smartphone in terms of performance. It’s obviously an early prototype and some bugs and freezes are to be expected, but the general menu navigation and app performance is quite good.

We’ll be able to tell you more about the Galaxy Ace S5830 when the preview is completed. Now enjoy the hands-on video and feel free to share any impressions you might have of the handset in the comment section below.

8GB Nexus 7 tablet parts estimated to cost $184

8GB Nexus 7 tablet parts estimated to cost $184

It was iFixit that first tore down the Nexus 7 tablet and as a result we can now see how much money Google is making from selling the device itself.

For the 8GB model, the margin is pretty slim (if it exists at all) as its parts were estimated to cost $184 while it sells for $199. That’s a small profit margin whichever way you look at it, and this price doesn’t even factor in manufacturing, marketing, shipping or research and development.

Things look a bit different for the 16GB model. You see, it costs $50 more than the 8GB model and since they are using virtually the same components, except for an extra flash chip worth around $8, it’s actually sold for a small profit. So, Google’s statement that it hardly makes any money by selling the Nexus tablet itself turns out to be true.

Here’s the list of the key components, in case you are interested:

  • NVIDIA Tegra 3 �C Quad-core mobile applications processor
  • Hynix H5TC2G83CFR �C 2Gb DDR3 SDRAM
  • Kingston KE44B026BN/8GB �C 8GB Memory Module
  • Realtek (RMC) ALC5642 �C Audio CODEC + Headphone Amplifier
  • Maxim MAX77612A �C Power Management IC
  • Texas Instruments TPS63020 �C Buck-Boost Converter
  • Fairchild FDMC6675BZ �C P-Channel Power MOSFET
  • Texas Instruments SN75LVDS83B �C LVDS Display SERDES
  • ELAN Microelectronics eKTF3624BWS �C Controller for Resistive Touchscreen
  • ELAN Microelectronics eKTH1036BWS �C Controller for the Resistive Touchscreen
  • Broadcom BCM4751 �C Integrated Monolithic GPS Receiver
  • InvenSense MPU-6050 �C Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer) MEMS Device
  • AzureWave AW-NH665 �C 802.11n WiFi / Bluetooth / FM Radio module
  • NXP Semiconductor PN65 �C Secure NFC Module

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New iPhone with 1GB RAM undergoes internal testing

New iPhone with 1GB RAM undergoes internal testing, iPod Touch 5,1 to follow

According to reports, Apple has seeded a new iPhone to its internal testers. And before you get too excited, the exterior design hasn’t been revealed just yet. The only thing different is the chipset.

Yes, you are right. Predictably, Apple has put the A5X chip in the iPhone 4/4S body and has seeded it to testers in Cupertino. The variation of the A5X chip in question is the S5L8945X, which packs 1GB of RAM.

The smartphone is carrying the N96 model number, but it’s unclear whether this label will be carried over to the actual new iPhone when its development is complete.

The iPod Touch, on the other hand, didn’t get any hardware upgrade last year and it’s only logical for Apple to make up for it this year. And if an internal build of iOS 5.1 is to be trusted, Apple is indeed working on the next iPod Touch. Labeled 5,1, the next iPod Touch should finally introduce a dual-core CPU to the portable player.


Dropbox app for Galaxy S III with 48GB of free space can now be installed on other devices

Dropbox app for Galaxy S III with 48GB of free space can now be installed on other devices

Get this one while its hot! The Dropbox app for the Samsung Galaxy S III, which offers 48GB of free cloud storage for all S III owners, has been ported for other devices.

This means that you’ll be able to install the dropbox apk from the S III on your device (if it’s rooted), and get some free cloud storage love.

You may recall how HTC had a similar deal for their One series phones, giving you a complimentary 25GB for two years with any new device purchase. Little did they expect that people would simply rip the apk file, and install it on their non-HTC phone to receive the free Dropbox space. While eventually the Dropbox folks managed to track down the false activations and remove their free storage, as of now they still haven’t done so with the Galaxy S III apk.

This time around, however, it’s a bit trickier to beat the system, as you’ll need to have a rooted device, and flash the apk with ClockorkMod recovery. Be sure to remove and previous version of Dropbox from your device beforehand, as well.

Obviously, this is not a legitimate way to gain free space, and Dropbox may construe this as a violation of their ToS. So, if you do decide to take the following steps, you’ve been warned.

While the original XDA thread has since been removed, you can find a cached copy here, and a duplicate thread here. There’s also a download hosted here.

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'Carmageddon' for iOS game review

'Carmageddon' for iOS game review

The original Carmageddon was a vehicular combat game that was released in 1997 and later ported to other platforms. Because of the violence in the game, which was too much for a game at that time, it was either heavily censored or banned in several countries around the world.

The game has now been ported over to mobile, with the iOS version out now on the App Store and an Android version supposedly in the works. We decided to take a look and see how it fares fifteen years after it originally came out.

Stainless Games
Release Date
October 17, 2012
Content Rating
$1.99 (On sale)


Like the original, Carmageddon for iOS is a vehicular combat game. To win in this game, you have to do one of three things. You can race around the track, going through every checkpoint and complete all the laps just like you would in a normal racing game. If that’s too boring for you, you can take down all of your opponents, crashing you car into theirs until their cars are totaled. Lastly, you can also choose to run over every single person or animal you see on the track. These choices aren’t mutually exclusive, and you can do them all simultaneously.

The last one is the least feasible because there is an insane number of people on the streets and it would take you ages to run over all of them. The best thing to do is to just run over those that are within reach instead of going out of your way for each of them. Running over people and animals has its advantages, as you get points and also extra time. You need the extra time to finish the race before the clock runs out.

You can also smash into your opponents if one wanders along your path, which they often do. Opponents actively try to take each other out and if they are near you they will come after you, which gives you the convenient opportunity to take them down instead. Run over enough people, smash enough cars and complete all the laps and you win the race.

The more races you win, the more credit you get, which lets you upgrade your vehicles. You also unlock more vehicles and tracks as you keep playing. You can also use the in-app purchase option to unlock all the vehicles and tracks for a dollar each.

The world in which you race is pretty wide, wider than even most modern racing games where you are limited to the track. You can just go off the road and wander around, running over people and animals. The wide open environments sometimes makes hunting for opponents to take down a bit difficult, though, as they tend to get lost in the world. This is why car combat games usually feature tightly packed levels that keep the action contained within easy reach.

As far as the vehicles are concerned, there is a good variety of them but they handle more or less the same. The handling is quite terrible and the cars seem to have no grip at all. The lack of precision makes everything from going after pedestrians to hunting down your opponents or simply just racing around the track seem like a chore. The camera is also a mild annoyance as it takes too long to quickly turn around and point in the direction where you should be looking.

The transition to touchscreen has been done quite well. You have large on-screen buttons to turn, accelerate and brake. There is a handbrake button to make a quick drift. You see the damage to your vehicle in the top right corner and you can tap on it to repair it. As before, you can see the chosen driver on the left and their reactions to everything that you do in the game but you can slide the panel to remove it from the screen.

The game features a recording feature where you can record the events on the screen. You can also get instant action replays whenever you want.

Graphics and Sound

Carmageddon for mobile is a port and not a remake, which means the graphics are the same, just that they run at a higher resolution, several times higher, if you count the new iPad. They do look blocky and severely outdated but the focus here is on gameplay, as anyone who plays classic games would know. The advantage of having outdated visuals is that the game runs super smooth, even at the absurd resolution on the iPad.

The game has some cutscene videos that play at the beginning and after you finish a level. These videos are terribly low resolution and look horrible on the new devices, particularly the new iPad.

The sound consists of a fast-paced background music playing on a loop, the sound of your engine and the screams of people and the mooing of cows as you run them over. Back in the day game designers weren’t so liberal with the sounds (probably because they tended to increase the game install footprint by a lot), so you had a single sound sample for everything. Which is why every screaming woman sounds the same and the cows, well, they sound the same anyway.


I had heard great things about this game but honestly I wasn’t particularly impressed. Maybe because it’s not 1997 anymore but I just didn’t find the gameplay particularly interesting. Running over people and cows and smashing into cars, as surprising as it might sound, tends to get boring very quickly.

The violence, which was once considered over-the-top and controversial, just seems childish now. It doesn’t help that the visuals are severely outdated and the vehicles are a pain to keep pointing in the right direction.

Unless you were a big fan of this game when it came out all those years ago and want to relive it again on your mobile device, I wouldn’t recommend this game to you.

Rating: 3/5
Pros: Let’s you run over people and cows and smash into cars as much as you want, a nice choice of tracks and vehicles
Cons: Poor vehicle control, gameplay gets boring very quickly

Download (Apple AppStore)


HTC EVO 3D drops by for a stereoscopic visit

HTC EVO 3D drops by for a stereoscopic visit, video inside

The HTC EVO 3D is HTC’s answer to LG’s 3D foray on the world tech scene. It features the solid foundation of the ultra-popular Sensation including a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, Adreno 220 GPU and the latest Android distribution – 2.3 Gingerbread. However the single 8 megapixel snapper has been replaced with a couple of 5 megapixel cameras, allowing for 3D photo and video capture, while the screen has been replaced by one that does glass-free 3D.

We’re already working on a detailed review of the EVO 3D, but until that one is complete you can enjoy the quick unboxing & hands-on video that we prepared for you.

The EVO 3D has been available in the US for a while now and after having spent some time with it we can see why everyone seems to like it so much. It’s impressively snappy, quite sleek to look at and really well built. Plus we love the huge camera key that HTC gave it as it really takes the camera usability up a notch. And since the 3D action is limited to the camera and gallery on this one – this is where potential buyer will be spending quite a lot of time.

So early prospects are good, but in the current market good is not always enough. With the fierce competition little slip-ups are allowed and even with the stereoscopic ace up its sleeve the EVO 3D would have to keep up the great performance for the time of the full review to convince us of its worth.

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