
Verizon's LTE Samsung Galaxy Tab 10

Verizon's LTE Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 launches on July 28th

The Wi-Fi only Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has been selling in the States since June, but those of you holding out for Verizon’s LTE model will be pleased to hear that they only have to wait a couple of days more until a promise launch that’s due in this Thursday.

An official-looking, but not officially released slide pins the launch date of the 4G LTE-enabled Galaxy Tab 10.1 on July 28th.

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 for Verizon is available on the carrier’s site, but only for pre-order right now. Here’s what you need to know before Thursday – the 16GB version costs $530 with a 2-year contract (or $630 without), while the 32GB version is $630 on a 2-year contract ($730 without).

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 for Verizon will be available in Verizon stores and on their web site. You have a choice between Metallic Grey and White colors for the tablet, but keep in mind that the White version is available only through direct fulfillment. By the way, the tablet takes only microSIM cards.


